What does AAUW do?
AAUW supports equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, research, and philanthropy. Nationally, we are a prominent voice on women’s issues, such as the Lily Ledbetter Fair Paycheck Act. In CA, we operate Tech Tech, a math and science camp for girls. You may see Concord women at the 49ers football games or in a fashion show at a local restaurant raising money for Tech Trek and scholarships for women at Diablo Valley College and Los Medanos College who will be attending universities. You may find AAUW Concord women at a local community center presenting information on CA propositions in October or sponsoring an informational session on healthcare issues for women.
Who are your members?
In the Concord Branch, women tend to have a bachelor’s degree and live or work in Concord. Nationwide, members have an Associates degree or better or may be a student affiliate.
What types of people are involved in AAUW?
The Concord Branch tends to attract dynamic working women in education, business or those who own a small business. About a third or so of our members are retired public school teachers. Women who are involved in AAUW activities are confident, intelligent, informed, vocal, savvy, diplomatic, persistent, out-going and amiable.
Why do people join AAUW?
Typically people join because they support the mission of AAUW—equity for girls and women—and because they enjoy connecting with women who have similar interests and values.
How many members do you have?
The Concord Branch has over 60 members. AAUW-California has about 10,000 members and, nationwide, AAUW has about 90,000 members.
What types of events do you hold?
The Concord Branch holds events appealing to a wide range of interests. Many events have speakers such as leading authors, politicians, female scientists, and female sports figures. Much of the philanthropy that the Concord Branch does occurs during our monthly meetings. For example, in September we provide backpacks filled with school supplies for local primary schools. In November, we collaborate with the League of Women Voters and other groups to stay informed about the issues that affect our lives. In December, we support families in need by donating gifts and groceries for a holiday meal. We raise funds to send 8th grade girls to Tech Trek Science and Math Camp by staffing a concession stand at 49ers football games. In May, we give scholarships for women transferring from a 2-year to a 4-year college. In addition to events, we have interest groups, with one of our most popular groups being Whine & Wine—a great way to relax and meet like-minded women.
When and where are your events?
Our events are held year-round and, usually, in Concord.
What is the fee to attend an event?
Fees for events range from $0-$45.
How do I register to attend?
Registering is easy. Just follow the instructions on the website, e-mail or newsletter.
Do you place event information on Meetup or Facebook?
Yes, we currently have a presence on Facebook.
How can I contact you?
E-mail us or drop us some snail mail at: Concord AAUW, PO Box 434, Concord, CA 94522